31 TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS SERVICES EMPLOYWEfTT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted CLASSIFIED 300 Help Wanted Help Wanted 200 SALESPERSONS Full oart PART TIME Person with ear CLIMBER 3 years ex time tor new otttine boutioue for early morning newspaper perience in an pnases or tree delivery 4:30 to 6 30 a m. Good opening at taston center, So tall '52-218. merset it you re experienced, motivated career minded call pay, no collections. East Brunswick Somerset area. 846-5531, 572-0561 after 7.
TRUCK DRIVERS for refriger MicKey. 494-2211. ated distribution company Minimum 5 vrs. diesel drivins ex perience. Must be knowledgeable SALESPERSON Experienced on photocopy machines.
High commissions. Exclusive territory. Call Mr. aaa-pB'. N.Y.t.
Apply Aug. 27. om at Javelin Foods Coro. 60 Parkway Place, Raritan Center Edison, J. trade TRUCK MECHANIC exoeri SALES HELP interesting, part time work in home furnishings expenencea salesperson 200 INDEX Announcements 25 fcjctioni 3 xrrnoincemerrfs 10 DeM anil Dneion 1 Lost and Found Personals 20 ftmmae Sales 15 Special Notnes Educational 1100) 110 Instruction 120 Instruct Wanted 100 Schools and loucgts Employment (2d0) 240 Agents Wanted 220 Carer Counseling 210 Emptojment Agency 200 Help Wanted 250 Jobs Wanted 230 Resumes Business Services (300) 310 Appliance Repairs 320 Buying and Remodeling 300 Personal Services 340 Rental Services 330 Special Services 350 Income Tai Returns Prepared Merchandise (400) pee rur riwy For irabeeaMiini lMiiiiiii iiitJtnri iudodtavt MrYTiP.F- The Yankee Trader Ads ire detuned for noncommercial advertisers tntr.
II you respond to iny ol thee ids ind find the idertirs ire dealer plrise tai 24S-S6S7 daily ti. 1L For additional intprmation on The Yankee Trader caH the ame number. mm i- nn.nnrif 427 Antioues 435 Baby Needs 415 Building Supplies 410 Business equipment 455 Camera and Supplies 440 Clotlling Dry Goods 400 Coal and Fuel 429 Collectors Hobbies 430 Garage Sales 420 Home Improvements 425 Household Goods 405 Machinery and Tools 46? Miscellaneous 445 Mjsicians Corner 460 Pets and Supplies 461 Pet Services -50 Sporting Goods 470 Wanted to Buy 1976 Manual typewriter $25. 828-4734. Laree healthy exotic house- plants, all $50.
752 5137. Fruitwood dining room table 4 chairs $50. 752 5137 above set $50. excellent 762-5137 gal fish tank with stand and liter al ius 165SR14 tires brand new never on rim $30, 251 4781 1963 Chew Bel Air. tires good.
needs work $30, 254-6473 Refrigerator WEstinghouse 18 tt zu. good. Z3'-Jm. Clothes dryer Frigidaire $20. runs good Z3-341B.
Box soring, mattress, queen size good $36. 257-8666 Walking sprinkler, hose compact $15. deluxe $30. 257-5465. Washer, works but needs work $25.
dryer free. 257-4915. Antique items valuable, all $50, 254-7276. New 14K eold hooo earrings. were $150.
now $50, 254-7276. Plants, hanging 2. $3 each, potted 4. $5. $2, $1, $1 50 254 0618.
Typewriter Royal $20, baby car riage 520, carped w. ia-iai Carpeting 60 yds goldgreen $50. good condition, 238 1055 Pool deck 4x4 Vix7. metal chain ink fence $50, 846 Z193. 8x7 overhead garage door good condition $25.
257-t 0329. Sears 20" 463-9749. attic exhaust fan $30, Maytag wringer washer good $20. phone 873 2337. Oil burner complete circulator, extras $50, 873-2337.
Catholic school summer uni forms pink, blue $7 each 254-2904. RCA black white $10, Westing-house 19" $10, 254-2904. Kitchen table and 6 chairs $25. 254-2904. Hand mower push type excellent $10, stroller $4 254-2904 Basset crib and mattress excel lent $50, 254-2904.
Basset dresser to match above $50. 254-2904. 3 bird cages $4 each, colonial high chair black $20, 254-2904 3 speed 27" boys bike very good condition $50 247 0245. Single bed and dresser $50, will separate, 985-5907, 3 9x12 rugs $15 each, 1 lamp $5. 985-5908 or 932-4061.
Couch black leatherette $50. 985-5907 or 932-4061 Girls 26" 3 speed bike good condition $25, 254 8846. New $125 Vita Master exercycle $50, 549-6195. Table 4 chairs leaf excellent condition $50. 247-3917.
Drum set. bass, snare, torn torn $50, 545-0489. Top hat for drum set Rogers, $20, 545-0489. 74 Ford power steering pump $10. heater $25.
572-6312 74 Dord van side glass $5, $10, radiator $25, 572-6312 73 Ford van right door with glass $50, 572-6312. 73 Ford van left door with glass $50, 572-6312. Lafavette CB base station and antenna $50. 572 6312. Oster juicer $30, high chair $10.
545 5343. Free ouooies. cute and loveable need home. 257-9029 Sears calculator built in case $35. 249 8322 RefriRerator less than 5 cu.
246-2691. Outside playhouse good, for two girls, Z9-9398. 67,68 Camaro front right fender. 249-8140 after 5 PM. Electric lawn mower good condition, working.
821-9082. Rifle wanted any caliber, call 360-2548 after 4 PM Mens bicvele any condition. 247-2037. 5 cu. ft refrigerator good condi- tion.
b79-5356 alter 5 Color TV portable or table work- ing or not, bj6-4Z34. Van rear door left side 73 Dodge 200. 985-12Z6. File cabinet, legal size 3 or 4 drawer. 463-1791.
Rug about 9x12 green, toddler carseat, 251-4408 Rescue squad needs working wringer TODAY swap LIMIT TO BUY $50 LIMIT Phone awdiiaute. no cnanaes; no I 3 between words I I I I I I 2 10 3 speed bikes $10, go cart frame $5, 9B5-1346. Old Kenmore washing machine needs pump $10. 463-0316 Fiberglass sliding board for pool $45, 885 1674. Old brass lamps bridge $25, ccl- umn table I5, ii 156 Wine press $50, 846-2043 VOX Wa-Wa pedal with case like new $25, 257-9285.
Satin wedding gown with veil size $25, 257-7450. Baby swing, walker and car car-rier $25, 257-7450. 10 gal. aauarium, 2 stands, many extras $25, 257-7450. new microphones 1 Shu re $20, condenser $15, 254-6196.
Colonial chair $25, silver Christ-mas tree $10, 828-8361. Girls dresses 5-6X $1 50 each or $15 all, wig $5, 254-2885 G78-15 Goodyear tires on 71 Chevy rims $50, 254-6b20. White bedroom bureau $40. call 821-8728. Carriage $10.
portable closet $5. mirror $20. 821 8728 school desks $20 each, high chair $10. 821-8728. RCA air conditioner 5000 6TU $50, after 6, 246-2270 Wooden doll house 6 rooms scale $50, after 6, uio.
Power hand planer like new $50. 549-8UZS, 3 CUI. Portable sewing machine $25, 238-50Z5 after 6. 71 Vega head, cast $25, sink 2 bay stainless in, wi uti. Antique trunk $35, 247-3020.
playpen $5. stroller $3, Z47-3UZU. Free puppy good home. 821-8589. 2 ladies winter coats very good.
size 1416 $10 each. 828 2234 Wood extension ladder 40' new $50, 828-2234. Norge refrigerator 18 cu. good, $50. 247-3157.
Jordan air hockey like new 5 to', $50 297-3838. Arnold Palmer golf set, 4 woods. 10 irons $50, 257-9625. te cats. free, call eves.
826-4591. Upright piano $50. 297-4088 after a rM. Brain monitor (Laboratory test ed) $50, 8Z6 JU61, Encyclopedia World Book '66, ex ceiient conomon au, nm Oven, wall Hotpoint good condi tion S35, m-wii. Step bumper pick up trick $30, 234-zisu.
Dining room table and 6 chairs $50, 247-5147 6-8 PM. Kitchen table with extra leaf $15. 247-5147 6-8 PM. None refrieerator 6 cu. ft.
works $20, 247-5147, 6-8. Girls 26" 3 speed bike good condi- tion $50. 469 0351. German shorthaired pointer female pups, free, 297-6872. 5 piece kitchen set, new $50, 249-1809.
9x14 tent $35, ping pong table $15, 679-8465. New rear shocks for late Mercedes Benz $20, 251-4780. 10 sneed bovs bicycle 26" like new $30, 679-8897. Girls 20" bike excellent condition $35. 257-9024.
Refrigerator greezer 16.5 cu. ft. $40, 821-8931. Antique solid bronze candelabra lamp $50, 251-4137. Torch lamp bronze double onyx base $35, 251-4137.
Black hand pleated shade for above $20, 251-4137. Maple rocker $10. window pane 50x48 $10, 238-348Z. Puppies free small, 549-2784. 1 250 ft.
ceil Colimbia 12-3 BX wire $35, 247-5329. Reel to reel tape recorder $20, call 7:30 PM, Snow catchers for slate roof (50) $1 each, ill si. Bicycle girTs 26" excellent condi tion $30. 249 3972. Free plushy mushey kittens, gold, 1 blackish, 846-6457.
Stratolounger recliner recover seat $30, call 254 8496. Webcor hi-fi console $25, Cosco cart $10. call 254 8496. Living room sofa, chair $10 each, can raui at gji-mre. Boys bike 24" 10 speed was $95 now MU, ZS-BUB4.
2 white cheering sweaters, new $18, $15, 2578084. like! 29 Put your advertising messan where the buyers are. the lassiTieo pages or the newspa per. PERSON to work part time in adult osvehiatric rehabilitation program, in exchange for freei room, txcenent opportunity to earn. Ca Mary Jo 364-433 oe tween 9 30 4 5 30.
SUPERMARKET Coming soon F00OT0WN of Rocky Hill (Princeton) Wanted Department Managers, ight Crew. Clerks Cash iers. Full time a part time. Experienced preferred. Good salary full union benefits.
Apply in person 9-5 DAVIDSONS F00DT0WN 275 George St New Brunswick WE PAY FOR YOUR OPINION We need you to participate in market research btoud discus sions. Days or eves. Call 10am- 12 noon or bpm-spm 9S5-mai, miss OPPORTUNITY. Imme diate openings for parttimetax; counselors witn It A no exper ience necessarv. We train.
Pres tige, permenance. Write Box T-421 Home News. 210 Employment Agency Directory A-l EMPLOYMENT 113 Albany, New Brunswick 249-8300 ALERT PERSONNEL 303 George St. 247-7500 call dick f-nigeraio BLAIR PERSONNEL 1500 Park Avenue So Plainfield 561-6900 CAREER CENTER-Somerset 500 izabetn Ave. Somerset Campus 469-6100 CLARKE Employment Agency 495 Main Metucnen 549-2020 GLEN DELVAY Personnel Seruiret.
Inc. 1737 Prince ton Ave. Trenton 609-599-4585 DUNHILL 3145 Bordentown Ave Parlin 721-7400 FANNING PERSONNEL 100 Menlo Park Edison 494-3010 FOX-MORRIS ASSOCIATES 3490 Rt. 1, Princeton 609-452-8135 KAY SCHOR AGENCY 84 Main Woodbridge 634-8860 MANAGEMENT RECRUITERS: (4 Off iceMates 5, 303 beorge at Suite 103, 24-23U0. MANPOWER, Spring New Brunswick.
313 State Perth Amboy. OLSTEN TEMPS needs your skill. 390 George N.B. Call 246-1031. Personnel Consultants 1925 Rt.
27, Edison 985-5600 PLACE MART Personnel Services, 5 Elm Row. New Brunswick. 247-8844 PLACE MART PERSONNEL 65 Milltown Rd. East Bruns wick. 238-3350 PLACEMENT WORLD 1 Racetrack Rd.
East Brunswick 238 0300 POMERANTZ PERSONNEL 300 Raritan Avenue Highland Park 246-7100 PURCELL EMPLOYMENT SYSTEMS, 303 George St. New Brunswick 846-8600 ROTATOR PERSONNEL 158 Tices Lane East Brunswick 238-2101 KAY SCHOR AGENCY Of New Brunswick 341 George St. 249-2010 SELECTIVE PERSONNEL 275 Route 18 East Brunswick 238 1050 SNELLING SNELLING 205 Livinsston Ave. New Brunswick 545-8525 SNELLING SNELLING Menlo Park Mall Office Bldg. 494 1200 Edison SNELLING SNELLING 530 Rt.
18, East Brunswick 238-5544 STAFF BUILDERS NEVER A FEE 303 George St. 246-1687 TOWN PERSONNEL AGENCY TOWN TEMPS. Piscataway (201) 981-0440 WESTERN TEMPORARIES WESTERN PERSONNEL 49 Bayard St. B. 246 1636 ZENITH PERSONNEL EDP Specialists (Fee Paid) 275 Rt 18 257-6966 230 Resumes' ALWAYS CALL SELECTIVE PERSONNEL Resume service, 275 Rt.
IB, East HrunswicK 238-1050. RESUMES PREPARED 1 Day Service 9-9 Daily For Appt. Call 257-5559 UNIQUE RESUME Service 303 George St New Brunswick 846-8600 240 Agents Wanted NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Established firm looking for hardworking people in our tales a manager training program. No experience necessary, we train, earn PER MONTH under our salary bonus program. For appt.
POTENTIAL $25,000 PLUS. MATURE PERSON ALITY NEED APPLY. CALL FDR CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW 545-1012, MR. KINNEl, 1W. 250 Jobs Wanted Personal Service! BABYSITTING in my home, north Brunswick.
Ages 3 a up Call 247-7869. BABYSITTING All ages, lunches. snacks, arts a crafts. North Ed ison area. 494-8688.
BABYSITTING In my home. mature woman, excellent care. any age. 254-3207. BABYSITTING by R.N., own home, any age.
part or tu time. Start Sept. 1. Hot lunches 4 snack, large yard. Will pick up.
572-2602 after 6. BABYSITTER experienced motrrer a tormer teacher will take oart of infant in my home. txcenent references. 297-Z455. BABYSITTING my Highland Park home.
Monday thru Fri day. Call 828-1917. BAB YSITTttefS In my home for working mother. Sacred Heart area, South Amboy. 721-8248.
WHEN YOU SEND DRAPE R- ES to the cleaners, out a dot with ball-point pan wtiere each pin it to be reinserted. The dot will not come out cleaning. When you have furniture you no lonser use. out an ad in Cfatsi- tied to find a cash buyer. BABYSITTING -My home.
Mill-town, infants small children. Call 846-3369. BABYSITTING in my home worm tsrunswicK. uaii aw-uwz. CHILD CARE my home.
North Brunswick, after Brunswick, 2 yrs. to 5 yrs. Cal 249-5299 CHILD CARE Nursery exoeri ence. Weekly daily. North Brunswick 297-1591.
CHILD CARE My home Lawr ence Broox. tast Brunswick starting Sept. 7. 246-1866. CHILD CARE in my East Brunswick home.
Call 238-6462. HOME HOSPITALS NURSING CARE Nurses. Nurses Aides, Companions available at reasonable rates. STAFF BUILDERS MEDICAL SERVICES 246-0600 HOME NURSING CARE When you need a nurse, nurses aide or companion at reasonable rates. CALL QUALITY CARE 494-3430 PROFESSIONAL TYPING legal, business, resumes, theses, tape transcription, etc.
828-6398. TYPING: Business ft Scholastic. By professional; duplicatinga secretarial services. Reasona ble. American Office Mall 238-3311.
aiOApllaneeeajrfj ELECTROLUX 293 Rt. 18, East Brunswick 254-5300 KIRBY VACUUM 732 Livingston Ave. North Brunswick 249 0131 320 Building A Remodeling ADD A ROOM, garage, dorm ers, siding, gutters. All other home improvements. IDEAL CONSTRUCTION 247-2708.
ADD A LEVEL, additions, alu mlnum siding, basements, roof ing, all home improvements. Call 5Z-4Z9D. ALTERATION WORK All car- pentry. Reasonable. 249-6127.
ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS. Exterior interior remodeling. Complete home repair service Roofing all types siding Dorm ers, porches, patios, paneling. Li censed 4 Insured Contractor 727 6813. ALUMINUM SIDING.
Windows doors. Butters a leaders, n- sta ad bv exoerts. 20 vrs. exoeri ence. Can finance any job.
Call uon ai nui anytime. CABINETSCustom built, special izine tn home bars. Labi netry 9H5-7U3B; 85--9. CARPENTRY Stairs-porches-doors-windows- dormers-etc. l-Ktt fcbil MATES! I do my own work Call Jim 257-6164.
CARPENTRY Any Sue Job 249-2280 CARPENTRY-BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRS Dynamic Enterprises Free Estimates 846-9558 CARPENTRY Remodeling exterior interior, a uminum siding roofing. Complete home repairs Free Estimates, a um. CARPENTRY, masonry, special izine in patios, sidewalks, a I concrete work. 572-1251. ELECTRICIAN License.
4837 Free estimates. Call Pace 521-3418; 269-4953 ELECTRICIAN Housewirim services additions. Mike Kiersnowski 257-5366. ELECTRICIAN. Rudolph Elec trie Inc.
Quality installation. East HrunswicK. tu viii. ELECTRICIAN N.J. License No.
853. New old homes wired. Dryert. 251-4190. GENERAL CONTRACTOR KathMar construction co.
All home improvements, masonry, carpentry. No job too big, no job too sman. oi-iot. INSTALLATIONS Tile, Lino leum. Ceramic, call Mi Fitzgerald eves, at 828-4081.
MASONRY Steps from $65 per steo. Barbecues from Vim pa tios walks from $1 per so. ft. Fireplaces from sisuu call ry, 354-117; eves. MASON block, brick, fireplace, stone.
All kinds of masonry. Fully insured. Quality work. Call 821-7645. MASONRY Summer Special.
Fireo aces, driveways, founda tions. Call Bob 754-3017. MASONRY all types, will beat or meet all estimates. Call 247-5217. MASON CONTRACTORS.
Fire- Daces, oatios. driveways etc. Reasonable rates. 521-0621. MASONRY-CUSTOM Cement patios-walks-etc.
Roberts of Somerset 247-2043 PAINTINGWallpapering. interior-exterior, plus odd jobs, low rates. 636 0530. 246-1238. PAINTING 1 Paper Hanging Interior tr Exterior.
Paneling, ceilings, carpentry of all types Specializing in residential homes. Fully Insured. Free esti-mates. Call M. Farkas, 545-2399.
PAINTING WALLPAPERING INTERIOR A EXTERIOR Insured. All work guaranteed Free estimate 572-5455 PAINTING i PAPERHANGING. Quality work. Will Beat Any Legitimate Quote! Call R. Miskolci 146-2877.
PAINTINQ DECORATING Call Frederick's for all your painting needs, ai-iim. PAINTING I nterlor Exterior. Paneling. Free Estimates. Ful ly Insured.
247-8392, 545 0995. PAINTINGCARPENTRY CALL fcAKL 727-4482 PAINTING Inside A Out. Quality Work 238 9449 PAINTING-ROOFING Gutters. Carpentry Roberts of Somerset 247-2043 PAVING, driveways 1 parking areas, 25t per sq ft; drainage work I masonry, 561-0646, PLUMBING HEATING New Old Work. N.J.
License No. 4812 251-5821 REMODELING? Re-Roofini' Call Al Brauche. Builders. Pis fcp Big 828 $50, 20 40 no 66 68 67 0 Help wanted 200 SECRETARY To Director of Princeton laboratory. Also will be working with research development scientific personnel.
Excellent opportunity for secretary with diversified office experience. Must have excellent typing shorthand skills as well as xnowieoge ot dictating equipment. Salary commensurate with ability background. Outstanding benefits program. Call or write Mrs.
Nan Craig. AMERICAN CAN CO. 469 North Harrison St. Princeton N.J. 08540 (609) 921-2510 Equal Opportunity Employer MW SECRETARY With eood tvn ing shorthand skills for law office, call 246-3234.
SECURITY OFFICERS full part time. American Detective service, 257-7667. SECURITY GUARDS Full oart time available. New BrunswiekPiscataway area Must have own car own ohone Call Interstate Security Services, SECURITY OFFICER full time, too oay. uniforms suo plied, See Mr.
Schultz after at Middlesex Mall, South Plain field, 753-6261. SERVICEMANWOMAN Ex oanding Service organization has a requirement for 2 mature minded adults with mecnanica or engineering ability to train into our inemtca eamnR as sociated service endeavor. Over time is mandatory averages approx. iu-15 nrs weexiy. lease pnone 349-ibs.
SET-UP Experienced Die Setter for automatic secondary punch press set-up. Minimum yrs experience. Familiar with slide feed, roll feed. All fringes. Apply Bigelow Components 74 Diamond Springfield, w.j.
6- um SEWING MACHINE OPERA TORS For adies handbag factory, some factory sewing ex- nerience necessarv. ado in Der son, Markay Bag, 1000 North Plainfield. SHEETMETAL MECHANIC Must be experienced in add on s. Flex ducts and new House work. 721-1661.
SHIPPINGRECEIVING CLERK Small raoidly grow ing company in shore area is seeking someone to handle snipping receiving, uiversi fied duties include plate mak ing machine operating. No experience required for the right person. Good salary working conditions. Please call after apm. Laoeicratt uorp Howell, N.J.
367-7220. Opening on 1st shift for alert person, preferably with some shipping experience and light typing. Good starting salary lioerai benefits. ppiy in person. INLAND CONTAINER CORP.
Summerhill Rd. spotswood Equal Opportunity Employer SHORT ORDER COOK Day shift, 9:30 to I in Also nanay manwoman joo. ai-an. STORE MANAGERS ASSISTANTS Comoanv seeks retail oriented individual to become managers assistant managers in a growing chain of convenience rood stores, salary -t- Denents, opportunity tor advancement qualified, for appointment cai 83-2736. STORE CLERKS Must be 18 yrs.
or over to work part time at Somerset Farms Food Store located at 590 Milltown North Brunswick Shopping Center. For appointment call 246-9142 or apply in person. STORE CLERK part time Eves, weekends, holidays for Krauszer's convenience store. Must be over 18 yrs. of age.
Call 549-4189. Ask for Mr. T. SUPERINTENDENT Must have experience in all phases of apartment repair. Brunswick area.
Excellent salary, apartment, utilities hos-pitalizatipn plus time off paid vacation. BoxT-44 Home News. TAILORSEAMSTRESS Full time. Contact Mike at (609) 448-5955. TEACHER Part time.
High School Equivalency Program IGED). 2 merits oer wk. Experi ence oreferred. Forfurther infor mation can sii-dju asx tor Elaine. TEACHER Experienced, fpr centra NJ Hebrew school needed for Tues.
Thurs after noons Sun morning Call Mr Norman Pianko. 257-700, Mon Thurs, 10AM-12 noon. TECHNICIAN To learn the scale service business. Opportunity to start a career job with good salary benefits. Electronic training required.
Call 445-9200, Mr. Bac-sik. Fairbanks Weighing Ridgewood, N.J. TELEPHONE SALES One of the countrv argest service companies nas immediate open ings tor dynamic people in our sales department, uneerrui of fice, full or part time available Salarv olus commission. ExDeri- ence helpful but not lecessary.
can oetween iu a u. TELEPHONE WORK from home, work own hours, no sell ing. Reclamation Services 469-8197. TELEPHONE SOLICITING from home no selling. Housewares.
Call 382-4298. TELLER Excellent opportunity for reliable individual to work full time in our New Brunswick office. Must be available 8 30-4 30pm and Sat Experience preferred. Call PERSONNEL for appt. 885-5400.
THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW JERSEY Equal Opportunity Employer TELLER Do you enjoy the col lege atmosphere? Why not consider a full time position as teller in our Rutgers office. Must oe available either 8-4pm or 10 6pm Mon thru Fri. ExDerience ore ferred. Call PERSONNEL for appt 885-5400 THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW JERSEY Equal Opportunity Employer TOOLS DIE REPAIR Local sheet metal fabricator seeks an experienced tool die repair person to work day or night shift. Experience with stamping dies and progressive dies a must.
Excellent wage and benefit package. Apply in person: CRESTLINE DIVISION FEDERAL STEEL CORP. Ft. of Tillman St. Raritan Equal Opportunity Employer TOOLS DIE MAKER Experienced comppund progressive dies, carbide experience helpful.
Age no barrier. Apply Bigelow Components 74 Diamond spring field, N.J. 467-1200. TOOL MAKER-MACHINIST Exoenenced making smal round dies on lathe operate internal-external grinder. Age no Darner.
Hppiy Bigeiow com ponents It Diamond Kd Springfield, N.J. 467- 1200. TOW TRUCK DRIVER Week nights week ends, must live in New BrunswickNorth Brunswick area. Experience necessary. Call 247-7273 8-5pm.
TREE worn, J. 3 in Frl. Rt.l wk. in enced. Must be knowledgeable diesel gas engines.
Apply Aug. 27, 10-12 am at Javelin Foods 60 Parkway Place Raritan Center, Edison, NJ. TRUCK TIRE SERVICE PER SON with mechanic exoeri nee. Sleeping quarters provided, salary or percentage Located at the Big 3 Truck Plaza Edison 985-0009. TYPIST Part time.
8 to 10 hrs oer wk. Occasional full week East Brunswick office. Call 257-9797. TYPIST to $150 weekly. Re quires accuracy and excellent skills.
Must be able to take tape dictation. Benefits fully paid. 1 vacation after 6 mos. Call 287-4600. Ms.
Hastings. TYPIST National organization has position tor last, accurate tvoist. 6b km good salary benefits, located in new uruns wick. For interview call 247-6085 Equal Opportunity Employer TYPIST Full time on a data entry CRT. Must type 40-50 wpm.
r-irm located in rrinceton 609-452-1660. TYPIST skilled. 32 Vi hr. wk. in educational office in New Brunswick.
Reply Box T-49 Home News. TYPIST and general nffice work, tun time 9 to 3. iai 846-1144. TYPISTS DAYS. EVES.
Traming in Word Processing avanaoie tor experienced typ ISIS. STAFF BUILDERS Temnorarv Personnel 303 George St. 246-1687 WAITRESS WAITER Expert enced. all shifts ado in oei son, Parsonage Diner, Rt. LI Edison, 548-3434.
WAITRESS WAITER Full orj oart time. Add in person Town House, 2 French St 246-8993. WAITRESSWAITER Exoeri enced. i davs. 11 4.
somerset area. Call 246-1555. WAITRESSESWAITERS Lunch dinner. ADOly in per son 9 to 5, Metuchen Golf Coun try Club, Plainfield Edison WAITRESSESWAITERS want ed. exoenenced.
Aoo in 06 son Middlesex Diner. Rts. 1 130, North Brunswick. 24-095. WAITRESS WAITER Know ledge ot short order cooking and bartending required, ppiy nerson onlv from 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM.
Homestead Tap, 217 Raritan Ave. Highland Park WAITRESS-WAITERHOSTESS HOST Food cocktail experi ence necessary. 297-3803. WAITRESSESWAITERS DINING ROOM, EXPERI ENCED. GOOD PAY FRINGE BENEFITS.
APPLY IN PERSON ONLY AFTER 4PM WEEKDAYS. WAITRESSESWAITERS Full rime Aoo in oerson. Cand to's. 746 Livingston North Brunswick. WAITRESSES WAITERS Day night shifts.
Full time part: time. Apply in person, Tiffany Diner, Rt. 18, East Brunswick WAITRESS WAITER Experi enced. Apply in person tsqui Diner, Rt 1, tdison, S85-i9U8. WAREHOUSE ASSISTANT FOREMANWOMAN Supervise personnel loading unloading cartons.
Knowledge of shipping, receivings torn iirl eauioment. n.s. braa pre ferred. Permanent position with growth. 65 Passaic Ave Kearny.
NJ. 997-3678. WINDOW CLEANER Floor waxer. Experienced only. Must have drivers license.
Full time Top pay for top person. 225-3246 or 348-14UU. X-RAY TECHNICIAN Doctor office, includes clerical worn receotion. assisting with pa tients. 254-6565.
ACT NOW Turn spare time into SIS! Be a SANTA Demon strator, earn commissions upto 30 OR nave a lay i Partv in vour home and ea FREE Gifts! Our 29th Yea Call Alyce at 561-4643, or write san tas parties. von. uom 06001. BOYS-GIRLS Earn extra cash Morning newspaper route available in Metuchen. Edison Fords Highland Park 572-0533 or 877-4053.
EX-SERVICE PERSONNEL IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GET BACK TO THE SWING OF THINGS, TALK TO YOUR NAVY RECRUITER ABOUT RE-ENL STMENT OPPOR TUNITIES. RETURN IN FOR MER PAY GRADE OR JOB DAYS ADVANCE LEAVE FOR NAVY VETERANS. BE SOME ONE SPECIAL AGAIN. CALL IN EAST BRUNSWIC 238-5128, FORDS 738-0544. IF you need to make more money A now are making less, than $750 Der week than we may have something to offer you as a sales person or dealer in prptecteo territories in automotive Marine Aviation repair service equipment.
Territory now open in New Jersev. expenses covered bv company while training as sales person. Guaranteed minimum $500 per week in earnings fori Qualified sales persons after training. Call Mr. u.j.
waiat UUl) 4b-irjuu tor more inrorma- tion. PART TIME PIZZA BAKER Are you looking for additional money to supplement your present income? We have a part time position7toll PMfor an experienced Pizza Baker. EXPERIENCED COOK To supplement your income by working on a call-in basis during you off hours from your regular job. Apply in person or call 932-8035 9 AM 4 PM Monday thru Friday, Division of Dining Services. Employment offce.
Room 104, Records Hall, George New Brunswick, N.J. RUTGERS THE STATE UNIVERSITY An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer MW USED CAR SAIESM HWY LOCATION Earn up to $25,000 per year salary commission. Must be aggressive. New car provided after 30 days. APPLY IN PERSON to MR.
SHELDON 250 George St. New Brunswick ppiy u-D, Mon. to in 5t bast HrunswicK. SALESMAN WO MAN Doing teiepnone worn in vaive Tit-ting industry. Experienced or college prererred.
Must Be ag gressive. can Tor appt. 254-3303 SALES CLERK Experienced hardware lumber sa es Steady days only 8 to 5 p.m. Cal 257-6300. Looking for an apartment? Be sure to see me many vacancies advertised in the Classified columns.
SALESPERSON Experienced i-uii time. Apply in person, Cao-tol Decorators. Rt. IB Eact tsrunswicK. SALES Men or women needed tun Dart time, se lime lewe rv persona interview call 521-2154.
SALES Part Time A M. Lor raine Jr. Dent. Store. 560 Hamilton at.
somerset. SALESMENW $200 Wk. Average Commission Call 254-8003 SALES Full time, The Clothes uoset, Princeton, 297-6000. SALESPERSON Needed for rast-Rrowine office machines manufacturer to work in Middle. sex surrounding counties Re peat supply orders, salary commission, protected territory.
fnone a)i-46iiJ5 tor appt. SALESPERSON Full time. Ex perienced in selling Jr. Sport swear. Apolv Tamt Shoo Brunswick Square Mall, East Brunswick.
SALESPERSON For Decorat ing Dept. 5 nights Sun. Some experience necessary, can Scher, 246-0020, East Brunswick SALESPERSON Aggressive seit starter to sell swimming ooo soas. Year round oosi tion. If you would like a challeng position want to earn S18 000 a vr.
salary commis sion. send resume to box i-u Home News. SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Spots wood-Old Bridge area. Wii train if necessary. 251-3097.
SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS North Brunswick East Brunswick areas. 609-799-2656. SCHOOL BUS VAN Drivers AM PM Shifts. Will train. Call 846-6962.
SCHOOL MILK DRIVER Early morning hrs. Apply Land Dairy. 6HU somerset at New Brunswick. SECRETARY 2 yrs. exoeri ence minimum.
Fee paid. Good typing. Light steno. Prestige employer piusn office. io KAY SCHOR EMPLOYMENT 341 George St.
249-2010 SECRETARIES To S180. Good skills. Call Joan Lynn, Place Mart Agency, East Brunswick 238-3350. SECRETARIES EXECUTIVES COMMERCIAL LEGAL Children returning to school Fill those available days with extra income in offices in your area. TOP jobs, TOP firms NO hfcfcS IO YUU! OFFICE PERSONNEL POOL 549-0066 20 Station PI Metuchen NJ SECRETARY ADMINISTRATIVE Permanent position for an ex perienced individual who has good typing, steno dictaphone skills.
Person will work with the executive secretary. Must be available for 2 evening meet ings per mo. txcenent salary benefits. Apply Personnel JOHN F. KENNEDY MEDICAL CENTER James Edison.
N.J. Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARIES (2) Bi-lingual ptfoArience to work in Trenton Pertti Amboy area. Send resume to Mr. Apapipo Diaz, Deputy Director pf Puerto Rican Congress of NJ. 222 west State i renion NJ 08608.
SECRETARY Showing renting apartments houses. Light bookkeeping, typing not re quired. Call 287-1770, 9 5. SECRETAKY-To Plant Manager. Diversified duties.
Steno typing a must. Call Ms. Barone, 821-7777. SECRETARY Legal, experienced. Shorthand good typing skills essential.
545-2250. SECRETARY-SALES Major subsidiary of Fortune 500 Company, located in Southern Middlesex County, has challenging position for experienced, alert and self motivated person to work for Regional Sales Manager. Steno, dictaphone plus typing skills required. Aptitudefor figures essential. Excellent working conditions, and fringe benefits.
Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume in confidence to: BOX T-57 HOME NEWS Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY for Moving Storage company. Experienced in typing, tiling, aiciduun. rn. counting background helpful Call 545-7366.
SECRETARY Carter I Sales Department We are seeking a secretary with competent shorthand, typing and numerical aptitude for interesting and diversified situation. Good salary, excellent fringe benefits and'pleasant working conditions. Apply Personnel Department CARTER-WALLACE, Inc. Half Acre Rd Cranbury NJ Equal Opportunity Employer MaleFemale SECRETARY Interesting posi tion for experienced profession al. Call (201) 329-4527.
InfoMed, 260 US Rt 1, South Brunswick. SALES ARE YOU THIS WANTED PERSON? We will pay a man or woman an excellent commission income for calling on business persons in your area end selling the items they want and need tor their advertising. This is a real opportunity for you to sell The Thos. D. Murphy Co.
Line, a pioneer in the field ot calendars, gifts and specialties. We supply everything you need to yet started. If you can organize your lime end work with a minimum ot supervision, this can mean an excellent lull-time or parf-time business for you. Excellent commissions, paid at once. Your accounts will Oe protected, repeat orders make money for you.
Write to C. 0. Belt, Sales Manager, The Thos. D. Murphy Co.
Red Oak, Iowa 51566 bold mediterranean I velvet shade $50, 828 0493. Massive wrought iron sconce $25, 0493. Victorian caned and cushioned sofa J50, 828-0493 MGB clutch oressure plate new 545-2784, 828 0662. Clarinet very good condition used 1 year $50, 873-2318. Pair alabaster lamDS.
no shades very good wo, 655 hu. Auto air condition unit for 318 cu engine $50, 721-6549. ft. wood ladder $25, 20 ft. alu minum $12, 721-6549 ft.
wood wxtension ladder $50, 721-6549. Fiberglass pool slide $30, pool ladder in, m-hmi. Lawn and leaf sweeoer Sears 30" $18 75 545-5904. Boys bike 24" $25, Zenith 23" TV sound a-ju. Typewriter Adler manual excel lent w.
bg-6jou. Childs toy inch worm new $10, 679-638U. Kenmore electric dryer 4 years old, needs work ai nn. Mini bike $50 521-3240. BSR turntable $25.
weights 124 pounds sia, ai nm. Dodge 22S automatic trans good condition $50, 561-5548. Chevy back bumper good condition $35, 56H548. Chevy windshield $20, 69 Chev-elle windshield $20, 561-6548. Huge sturdy doghouse like new with floor $50, 254-2239.
Mens 10 suits 40 regular $5 each. good condition, 254-7661. Craftsman 20' 249-6820. lawn mower $25, Small freezer 5 cu. ft.
needs re pair $20, Z49-68Z0. Washers, 2 automatic need re paires $5 each. 752-2404. Girls clothes size 5-6, 35 items. $10 for all.
828-i673. Plants: Camphor tree $4, 12 Mag nolia soul $40 238 0806. Kitchen table 2 chairs $15. kitch- en table $10, 247-2748. 74" 36" hot house window frames with glass $9 247-5948.
Black vinyl recliner with wood trim $50, 548 6914. Queen size Simmons mattress good condition $30, 257-4751. Free 40" Maytag gas range, you haul 545-8041. Lawn sweeper needs work was $100 new, $10, 254-0083. Adorable kittens 3 males, 2 fern-ales, free, 548-1240.
2 3 x6' aluminum jalousies $25, 254-1318. Part Angora kitten to a good home, housebroken, 545 9153. 2 male Siamese cats, free to good home, 254-4682. 23" Zenith color TV set $50, call 257-6045. Power mower no bag 22" $37, Scotts spreader $12, 254-7714.
Overload leaf springs for to ton Chevy truck 69-73 $35, 521 1949. Upright piano $50 cash and car ry, evenings, 297-5913 20" bike $10. mans 3 speed excellent condition $40, 297-6584. Ladies 26" $20. mens 26 $20, girls 24 $10, 297-65B4 Solid mahogany buffet good con-dition 62Lx35H $30, 2971706 2 burner Coleman liquid gas used 4 times siz.su, can ai mi.
13" CR70 -Goodrich steel radi als $50, call Jeff, 272-5419. 4 1968 VW fenders $10 each 246-3075. 12Volt batterys $10. each 828-8559 after 4. Kitchen set 4 green chairs $25 exerciser $10, 297-6045.
Small marble bassi nette $25, 297-6045 Coffee, end table, plus glass tops $50, 985-569 Single bed, kitchen table $15 each, can raui, ojz-dud. Baby crib mattress $50 572-0864. Trumpet, excellent condition $50. 566-6656 after 4 Clarinet, excellent condition $50. 566-6656 after 4 Dinette table 4 4 chairs, buffet $50, 526 0412.
China closet $25, dresser $8, end table $5, desk SB, 526 0412. I THE YANKEE TRADER Eaeifcin i 7 2 3 2 MAIL THIS Gardening and Supplies (500) 540 LwesiocB and Poultrv 500 Prodtcts and Supplies 520 Equipment (Mowers, etc.) Real Estate For Rent (600) 615 Apartments for Rent 650 Business Properties 620 Condominiums 630 Garages tor Rent 625 Houses for Rent 640 kiiestmerit Properties 645 Office Oesk Space 635 Parting Space 655 Resorts and Cottages 600 Rooms Furnished 610 Rooms Housekeeping 605 Rooms with Board 660 Wanted to Rent Real Estate For Sale (700) 735 Briers 740 Builders and Others 745 Business Properties 755 Cemetery Plots 705 Condominiums 760 Construction Lots 710 Farms for Sale 790 Houses tor Sale 750 Investment Property 725 Lots and Acreage 715 MohJe Homes Sues 765 Real Estate Wanted 730 Realtors 720 Resorts and Cottages Financial 600 Business Opportunities 605 Insurance 820 Money to Loan 825 Money Wanted 815 Mortgages 810 Mutual Funds Boating (850) 650 Boats Accessories 660 Storage and Service Automotive (900) 960 Accessories Repairs 965 Auto Loans 970 Auto Insurance 955 Auto Rental Leasing 930 Auto Sales 4 Service 980 Automobiles for Sale 975 Automotive Wanted 925 Construction Equipment 915 Cycle Insurance 905 Mmrfles Go-Carts 910 Motorcycles 900 Recreational Vehicles (Campers, Trailers, Motor Homes) 920 trucks and Buses 950 Used Car Dealers EMPLOYMENT 200 Help Wanted SALESPERSON Fast track, par-manent excellent conditions, experience necessary. Straight salary earning to U9.00Q, 5 day wk. Field Furniture, East Brunswick, 257-3005 for personal interview call Mr. Henry.
SALES ASSISTANT Excellent opportunity for a sales-oriented person to grow with a dynamic straa.niTa.t4nn Manufacturer Of. electromechanical devices for computer electronic cooling requires individual to handle inside sales including telephone contact witn customers oroer wrw-uy. 1.9 urc avnenenr.e oreferred. Full benefits package including fiealth insurance profit sharing Send inquiries background data to Kooitronic. naiiin ton Hopewell, NJ 08525.
The easiest way to find a cash buyer for unused items around your home is to advertise those items for sale in Classified. SALES PART TIME. The Hoover Company is looking for a few good people interested in earning as much astheir ability will let them. Daytime and evening hours available, demonstrating in a major department store in this area. Must have car.
An Equal Opportunity Employer. Call MR. DAVIS for de-tails, 754-3363. SALES CLERK FULL PART TIME Several openings exists for Full Part Time Sales persons. Must be able to work evenings weekends.
Jewelry sales experience preferred. Apply to Mrs. Likar in person. Leading Brands. 595 Hwy.
18, East Brunswick. CAI FQ 1 ran heiovou! Service- master has an opening for a saleoercon who likes to be on the move and who enjoys helping people. You would be required to visit homes by appointment to counsel customers on home cleaning services. Experience not necessary, we cram xM-. limited earning potential.
Call Shelley at 247 1550. SALES Inside Retail, full part time hrs. availa-be. Positions open as sporting goods salesperson in the hungting. tishing, scuba archery fields.
Know-ledge of the sports required. Past sales experience Oreferred. Good starting rate benefits. Call Dave or Roger at 561-4400. SALES To Buy or Sell.
Commission Call our District Manager: 561 6432, 257-2421, 725-6014, 442 2462. SALES part time eves weekends. National consumer service company is looking for 4 experienced sales people. Central Somerset County. Guaranteed wages $4 per hr commission.
Excellent earning potential. Call 526-0061, 9-5. 10x3' pool with sand filter and extras 5a, tn-vsi. Craftsman electric mower with cord $30, 828-6343. Hi riser mattress $9, doll furni ture $11.
545-9423. COUPON AND ntw onunoffiut, n.j. uasuj You may advertise more than one item per ad, but total value must not exceed limits shown above. Total price of items and phone number or address must be included in your ad. No I abbreviations please.
Cash or check with order, No limit on number of ads. RATE THIS AD IS to sell to '50 LIMIT $50 three days. Ctarfinn ac cirt a uj uvn aj aaie i comma or period Leave one blank boi S1.UQ tor two lines, for Name. Address. Yniir ail Uill rim 7 Hauc cancellations.
Use one boil for each letter, I I I I ACCOUNTANT Experienced. degreed. Starting new service desires accounts and accounting bookkeeping work. 549-3297. ACCOUNTANT CPA, RMA available for per diem work.
201-549-7633. BOOKKEEPING Experienced New service. Desires Accounts. 985-3274. HOME NURSING CARE QUALITY CARE 494-3430 395 Main Metuchen SECRETARY, work from home.
Diversified skills. IS vrs. exper I NO PETS UNLESS FREE NO TELEPHONE ORDERS PLEASE citawav 463 0914. Built to your CASH or CHECK with COUPON BLSURE you have included price and phone number or address spec Fully insured. 25 yrt ience in advertising, insurance real estate.
Rtaaonabli. Call know-how 828:6455.