The Jackson Sun from Jackson, Tennessee (2024)

Building Remodeling 17 6-A The Jockson Sun, Jackson, Tennessee, Monday, December 23, 1 974 Test Of Sioux Nation Sovereignty Manifest Destiny In Wounded KneeTria HOLLY SPRINGS -JACKSON BRICK CO. Now Has A Complete Line Of Wood Burning Pre-Fab Fireplace Systems in Stock. Phone 427-7617 Old Medina Rd. 41 Help Wanted must be construed as the Sioux understood it, hot necessarily as the government wrote it, Thorne said. Dr.

Wilbur Jacobs, of the University of California-Santa Barbara testified the Sioux would never have, agreed to portions of the treaty that indicated they would become dependents. dozen Sioux in the first week of the hearing teaches that their people understood themselves to be a sovereign nation entering an agreement with the United States when they signed the treaty. The Sioux had no written language and were therefore at a disadvantage, Thorne has argued. The treaty agreement negotiated between equals," over a three-year period, Jacobs testified. The Sioux were a powerful people who would not have signed a treaty that said they put themselves under the protection of the United States.

"Whom did they need protection from?" Jacobs asked The philosophy of Manifest Destiny led the United States to seek the treaty, Jacobs said. America wanted to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and it needed land for the railroads. Later, it wanted gold that was found on Indian land, including the Black Hills of South Dakota, and it wanted good farmland. HEATING AIR SERVICEMAN NEEDED HEATING AIR PERSONNEL WITH Good Pay, Good Working Conditions. Paid Vacations and Fringe Benefits.

CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 427-1427 Need Additional Income? The Jackson Sun Has A Motor Route Open In The Dresden Tennessee Area Excellent Opportunity To Earn Extra Cash Call Lee Jones or Jimmy Stratton Toll Free 1-800-532-6242 Bible Page Clue To Slaying Of Boy The treaty has brought more than 100 Indians, including traditional tribal leaders, from their reservation homes in South Dakota for what they call the first opportunity to present their case in court. Judge Warren K. Ur- -bom is hearing the defense motion on the 1868 Treaty of Fort Laramie in a third-floor courtroom that was packed during six days of testimony last week. He ordered a smaller, second-floor court room wired for sound for a number of Sioux and others interested in the hearing unable to obtain seats in the main cour- troom. Thorne has used American historians bnd Sioux Indians to present his case.

The Sioux have a tradition of "oral history," passed from one generation to the next. That history related by some half- LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) Testimony in a U.S. District Court hearing here on an 1868 treaty between the Sioux Indians and the federal government has brought such terms as Manifest Destiny ut of the history books and into the news. Attorneys for six persons convicted of crimes stemming from the 1973 occupation of Wounded Knee, S.D., contend the treaty is still valid.

Therefore, the attorneys say, the Sioux are a sovereign nation and the courts have ho jurisdiction over crimes allegedly committed on Indian land. If the treaty is upheld, it almost surely will lead to other litigation in which Indians would seek reparation for or recovery of former lands, chief defense counsel John Thorne has said. It would also mean dismissal of some 50 pending Wounded Knee cases. "This was an ble, missing one page, was in the room when a motel employe found the child in a pool of blood. Soon after the boy's body was discovered in a motel bathroom Friday, police arrested a man identified as Vernal Walford, 31, alias Robert Grant, of Hartford, and charged him with first-degree murder.

"Like sacrificing a lamb, it looked like he MIAMI, Fla. (AP) Police are investigating possible links between a missing page from a Bible and the ritualistic slaying of a 9-year-old Pennsylvania boy. Detective Edward Carberry said Sunday he would compare the Bible with another to see if the missing verses provide any clues in the throat-slashing death of Arnold Zeleznik of Port Washington, Pa. Carberry said the Bi OPEN DAILY MONDAY, TUESDAY held the child so the throat would be over the toilet, let him bleed. Carberry said.

Police said the Zelez-' nik family had stopped at the airport motel on the way to Costa Rica for a vacation. Arnold and his father, Carter, went to meet friends when Zeleznik stepped back to his room to leave a key with his wife, police said. Arnold was alone in the corridor for a few ONLY 19 5)88 price, you can put a new sport this autumn. In easy-to-wear the coat that suits like a friend. patterns or solid colors.

Men's MEN'S DOUBLE KNIT SLACKS Our 12.96-13.96 2 Days Only For knits that give you a fine fit, try our double knit polyester slacks. Slightly flared legs and belt-looped waist. Handsome solids and patterns. 97 MEN'S POLYESTER SPORT COATS Building Remodeling i 41 Help Wonted CO a 73 Co Co Building 17 Remodeling Rush's Mason Contractor ISriCK Ifc oiock nrcuiuuT3 Free Estimates 658-2096 Toone 10 inna care, 7 Day Nurseries Day Care Openings infants through 5. Humboldt Hwy.

or Highland Ave 427-5023 or 427-8963. MOTHER GOOSE NURSERY NO. 2 229 Hollywood Drive Hot meals, educational program. Phone wiai uays 423-9152 Nights 22 Instruction, Schools ART CLASSES To Begin Jan. 13th.

Enroll now Receive $25 Xmas gift rert. Frankie Everett 424-1986 28 Plumbing MASTER PLUMBER SPECIALIZED IN REPAIRS. Plumbing, Electrical 8, Heating Work. FRfcE ESTIMATES. 422-1242 29 Roofing Guttering COUNTRY R66FING SERVICE All Kinds of Roofing Chimney Repairing.

NO JOB TOO SMALL LOCAL PHONE 427-3405 30 TVRadio, Stereo Repair EXPERT SERVICE COLOR TV STEREO All Makes Models SAME DAY SERVICE PH 422-5561 CLOAR'S 210 Moin. 32 Tree Service A -1 TREE SERVICE All Types Tree Service Free Est. Fully Ins. Stumps Removed Bill Askew Henderson 989-7674 Inrkson. 422-4547.

427-6025 33 Services, Miscellaneous SPECIAL OCCASION -CfiMMbR riAi Dunrnr-OAPHPR Ed Ger- son Photo Service. Call 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. 423-0892 SEWING MACHINE 8, VACUUM" t-ANtrK rm aei vi whs Any make or model 1 day service. Reasonable charge THE GOLDEN 210 N.

Liberty THIMBLE 427 5159 40 Employment Agencies I l.i UiH tun I iijA JACKSON PLAZA Shopping Center 8:30 AM 5 PM MONDAY FRIDAY VALL 44-3ZI Office Closed Dec. 23 -28 JORDAN EMPLOYMENT SVC. 70 Since IV63 44-l PATRICK EMPLOYMENT SERVICE WATKINS TOWERS 424 7616 to PROFESSIONAL PLACEMENT SERVICE 305 Jackson State Bank Bldg Downtown 422-6637 co 41 Help Wanted I AVON Want an inside line on the world of beoutv and fashion? Kepresent Avon, the world's largest cosmetic company, con SALES EDUCATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES FULL OR PART TIME One of the World's leoding home study schools offering business and vocational courses has immediate openings for representatives to call on prospective students. $200 WEEKLY When you average iust 3-4 enrollments a week. You will be paid weekly on our exclusive advance commisFion schedule with an to earn big benefits.

LEADS You will interview people who have written for information and know you will be calling on them. Call: Mr. Thorne Monday Tuesday 901-424-5058 An Fnunl Oooortunitv Comodnv co NO CO CO CD Due to the expansion of our cabinet shop we are in need of a jour 70 neyman cabinet maker and two CD apprentice caoiner metiers, ton Carl Dunn, Fabricating Inc. Grand Junction. Term.

764 2091. CL CD WATER HEATER SALE Z5 to i 00 CO NO i ro to Normal Installation Rg. 'aS-Limited Tim 24" CD CD 17 i i 3 co co i 8 CO Co -n MART'S ADVERTISED MERCHANDISE POLICY Our firm intention is to hav every advertised item in stock on our shelves. If an advertised item is not available for purchase due to any unforeseen rea-on. mart will issue a Rain Check on request for the merchandise to be purchased at the sale price whenever available or will sell you a comparable minutes when his family heard a scream, police said.

The parents searched for their son without success and then sought help, police said. Officers said they found a poorly spelled message in Walford's pocket. It read, "God of Isreal say so. The God say this. The temple must not be used for any voilince nor any police office.

Child offer has sacefices." 3t 1 Legals TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Whereas, on the 4th day of March, 1971, by deed of trust recorded in Record Book 379 at page 212 in the Register's Office for Madison County, Tennessee, James A. Rogers and his wife Jane A. Rogers conveyed the hereinafter described real estate to Thomas C. Farnsworth, Trustee, to secure the payment of one promissory note of even date therewith in the principal sum of $10,100.00 together with interest as specified in the note secured, said note being payable to the order of Boyle Mortgage Company; and Whereas, bv proper endorsem*nt Boyle Mortgage Company conveyed the note secured by the deed of trust described in paragraph one hereinabove to Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Memphis; and Whereas, bv instrument dated the 4th day of November, 1974, and recorded in Book of Trust Number 448 at page 283 in the Register's Office for Madison County, Tennessee, Home-Federal Savings and Loan Association of Memphis, the owner and holder of the note secured by the aforesaid deed of trust, appointed Latta Richards as Substitute Trustee; and Whereas, default has been made in the payment of saic above designated indebtedness and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Memphis, the owner and holder of said indebtedness, has declared the entire amount due and payable as provided in said note and deed of trust; Now, therefore, the un-ersigned Latta Richards, as ubstitute Trustee, in ac-ordance with the terms and con-litions of said note and deed of 'ust will sell the hereinafter described real estate at public futcrv for cash to the highest ind best bidder at the south door of the Courthouse in Jackson, Tennessee, on the 8th day of January, 1975, beginning at 11 :00 o'clock A.M.: Lying and being in the Third Ward of the City of Jackson, County of Madison, and State of Tennessee, and Beginning at a stake in the northeast corner of the real estate conveyed to J. D.

Carnal and wife Anna Pearl Carnal by deed dated October 16, 1947, and recorded in Deed Book 150, page 7 in the Register's Office of Madison County, Tennessee, and runs thence south with the east boundary of the said Carnal lot 9 feet more or less, to a stake; thence east 116 feet, to a stake in the west margin of Crocker Street; thence north 57 feet, with the west margin of Crocker Street to a stake; thence west 119 feet to the point of beginning. This is the same real estate conveyed to James A. Rogers et ux Jane A. Rogers by deed recorded in Deed Book 262 at page 352 in the Register's Office for Madison County, Tennessee. Said real estate will be sold free from all homestead, dower, and equity of redemption but subject to all unpaid taxes.

The Substitute Trustee does not warrant title to said real estate but will sell and convey as Substitute Trustee only. Latta Richards Substitute Trustee Dec. 16, 23, 30 quality policy is item at a comparable reduction price. Our to give our customers "satisfaction always. S.

S. KRESGE CO. Our Reg. 32.88 4 Days Only At this economically low coat in your wardrobe polyester double knit, it's Single-breasted styles in GIBSON COUNTY 855-3610 TOLL FREE 1-800-532-6242 2 Card of Thanks The late John Theus and family would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the sympathy shown them at this time and we should like to thank the doctors and staff and Mercer Funeral Home. Jumtv Burts Personals Storm Windows and Doors Glass Replacement Blown Insulation ROSS MATTHEWS CO.

31 IMPALA. JACKSON 422-3400 Special Notices HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUTS Earn diploma fast at home. For de tails send name, oddress, age, and phone to: WAYNE HIGH SCHOOLS Box 238-J, Camden, Tenn. 38320. WEDDINGS REHEARSAL DINNER CATERING RECEPTIONS GEORGE ANNA RESTAURANT 422-3485 8 Auction Sales AUCTION SALES AND SERVICE Complete Farms Sales, Estate, An tiaues.

Business Liquidation John Randies: 424-uuuu; a-suva rnuoi ptf AUCTION SERVICE: FARM SALES, ESTATE AND BUSINESS LIQUIDATIONS GEORGE M. BURNS CALL 427-0176 10 Lost Found $100 REWARD For Information leading to the recovery of this Red tick hound. Lost off Hwy. 100 at Hatchie Bottom. Dog wearing flea collar, is very shy.

If seen please call Milton Little 42-HJI I. Small block white Terrier Lost in Westwood Gardens area. 424-9060 or 424-6536 Lost: Man's Yellow Gold Diamond Ring Tuesday in hospital vicinity. Reward. Coll 424-8300.

Air Conditioning Heating 15 ACE REFRIGERATION HEATING 8. COOLING SERVICE 372 S. Rovo! Phone 422-6676 17 Building Remodeling ALUMINUM SIDING Guaranteed 30 years Fifteen Beautiful Colors Free Estimates! Call JACKSON STORM WINDOW DOOR 427-1432 or 4249115 Home Repair and Gutter Cleaning Service. Joe Gullett 427-2311. Jour-.

nevman Carpenter. SUMNERS CONSTRUCTION Quality Work, remodeling, additions, fireplaces installed. CALL 424-0677 After 5:30 PM Custom BuiltHomes Remodeled and painting Room additions and carports Swimming Pool sales and installation Dunham-Bush AC and heating. Call Owen McKinney 424-7378 or 427-6367 JACKSON HOME IMPROVEMENTS FORSYTHE CONSTRUCTION CO. Building or Remodeling Residential or Commercial.

Custom Made Cabinets. Full line of First Quality Carpets. CALL HOWLETT FOR-SYTHE, Bells Hw. 427-0819. Insulate Now Free Estimates Help the Energy Crisis ROSS MATTHEWS CO.

31 Imoala. Jackson, 422-3400 Electrical Work Home Improvement or Building of any kind. Remodeling. Rewiring, old or new buildings. Work guaranteed.

Rodney Moody Collect day or night 423-9358 i-ree Estimates. We Service All Makes of Vacuum Cleaners P. DABNEY 8, SON Intown Jackson 427-5516 OFF NO RAIN CHECKS PRICES GOOD WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! DM JACCCETS -J 4 fife fn rf JACKSON FLORIST is FIGHTING INFLATION 20 a Double knit lined safari or battle length jackets. to) n) 37.88 MATCHING FLARE SLACKS Reg. 12.96 to 13.96 7 WOMEN'S EVENING SHOES Flattering strap sandal in glistening gold women's sizes.

ALL PERMANENT CHRISTMAS ARRANGEMENTS, LIVE ARTIFICIAL CHRISTMAS WREATHS NOW THRU DEC. 24 Remember to wire flowers home for Christmas 720 W. Forest Ave. 424-231 1 A.

The Jackson Sun from Jackson, Tennessee (2024)


Where is the Jackson Sun located? ›

JACKSON SUN - Updated August 2024 - 245 W Lafayette St, Jackson, Tennessee - Print Media - Phone Number - Yelp.

Why is Jackson Tennessee famous? ›

Jackson serves as the retail, employment, and entertainment hub for the West Tennessee region, serving over 400,000 people on a daily basis. Also known as the birthplace of Rockabilly Music, Jackson is the hometown of many well renowned musicians, to include Carl Perkins, Big Maybell, LOLO, and more.

Who was born in Jackson TN? ›

  • Ed Jackson (Tennessee politician)
  • William Hicks Jackson.
  • Casey Jones.
  • Christopher Jones (actor, born 1941)
  • Van Jones.
  • Valerie June.

Who owns the Jackson Sun? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

How do I contact Jackson Sun? ›

How do I contact Customer Service? To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-800-244-3225 or chat online here.

Is it expensive to live in Jackson TN? ›

Jackson's housing expenses are 28% lower than the national average and the utility prices are 14% lower than the national average. Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 9% lower than the national average. Jackson has grocery prices that are 3% lower than the national average.

Is Jackson, TN a big city? ›

Jackson is Madison County's largest city, and the second-largest city in West Tennessee after Memphis. It is home to the Tennessee Supreme Court's courthouse for West Tennessee, as Jackson was the major city in the west when the court was established in 1834.

Are Pringles still made in Jackson, TN? ›

By the numbers: In 2021, the Jackson Sun reported that the plant produces more than 1 billion cans of Pringles per year. In just one hour, the plant can produce a line of crisps that stretches 46 miles long.

What big city is Jackson, TN close to? ›

Welcome to theCity of Jackson, Tennessee

Located between Memphis and Nashville, Jackson. Tennessee is known as the home of Rockabilly Music.

Why are people moving to Jackson, TN? ›

Affordable housing, welcoming residents, quality schools, top jobs, entertainment – what doesn't Jackson, TN, provide? Residents of this flourishing community have access to the good life — and they are living it.

Where to stop in Jackson? ›

Top Attractions in Jackson
  • Kennedy Gold Mine. Historic Sites. ...
  • Daffodil Hill. Mountains. ...
  • Casino at Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort. 194. ...
  • Lake Tabeaud Picnic Area. Nature & Wildlife Areas. ...
  • Kennedy Tailing Wheels Park. Historic Sites. ...
  • Court Street. ...
  • Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Church. ...
  • The Mokelumne Wilderness.

Where is the Jackson magnolia tree located? ›

Jackson Magnolia - The White House and President's Park (U.S. National Park Service)

Where is Jackson located The Last of Us? ›

Since the real-life Jackson Hole, Wyo., “has become a tourist town,” the Jackson in the series was constructed in Canmore, a small town in Alberta, Canada.

Where is the Jackson settlement? ›

Jackson (also referred to as Jackson City) is a town located in Jackson County, Wyoming, and one of the many locations that Joel and Ellie reach during their journey across the United States in The Last of Us and where they reside during The Last of Us Part II.

Where is the home of the Jackson 5? ›

About 2300 Jackson St., the Gary, Indiana, home of the Jackson 5. Joe and Katherine moved into the 672-square-foot two-bedroom bungalow in January 1950, Katherine Jackson is seen saying in a clip for the “2300 Jackson Street” video.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.