Rune Factory 5 Dual Blade Recipes (2025)

1. List of All Dual Blades and Recipes | Rune Factory 5 (RF5) - Game8

  • 28 apr 2022 · This is a guide that lists down all of the Dual Blades in Rune Factory 5! Read on to learn about each pair of dual blades, each dual blade's attribute, and the ...

  • This is a guide that lists down all of the Dual Blades in Rune Factory 5! Read on to learn about each pair of dual blades, each dual blade's attribute, and the recipe for each dual blade.

List of All Dual Blades and Recipes | Rune Factory 5 (RF5) - Game8

2. Rune Factory 5: All Weapon Recipes - TheGamer

  • All Short Sword Recipes · All Long Sword Recipes

  • If you want to craft stronger weapons in RF5, you'll need to gather materials and learn some recipes.

Rune Factory 5: All Weapon Recipes - TheGamer

3. All Weapon Forging Recipes and Best Weapon Types | Rune Factory 5 ...

  • List of All Dual Blades · Farm Tool Forging Recipes · All Armor Crafting Recipes

  • This is a guide to all forging recipes for all weapon types in the game Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to learn more about each weapon type, their strengths, recipes, and more!

All Weapon Forging Recipes and Best Weapon Types | Rune Factory 5 ...

4. Rune Factory 5 – Guides: Equipment, Recipe, Armor, Tools, Weapons ...

Rune Factory 5 – Guides: Equipment, Recipe, Armor, Tools, Weapons ...

5. Forging (RF5) | Rune Factory Wiki - Fandom

  • The protagonist can get the weapon recipes by eating the recipe bread sold by Randolph and Yuki at Sweet Hearth the bakery store. Weapon Breads cost 180G each.

  • Forging in Rune Factory 5 is to make or upgrade weapons and farming tools. To get started at forging, accept the request "Buy a Forge" by Darroch at the Task Board just outside Rigbarth Outpost. Before buying it, the protagonist will need to pass a test from St. Eliza (the talking mailbox) at Rigbarth Outpost to obtain the Forging License. A Forge cost 3000G, 25 Material Stone and 30 Lumber. After passing the test, proceed to buy the Forge furniture at Studio Palmo from either Palmo or Ryker. Th

Forging (RF5) | Rune Factory Wiki - Fandom

6. Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny Forging Recipes Guide - CrimsonTear

  • 13, 0, 360 G, Water Defense +10, Scimitar, Silver, Solid Point, Dual Blade Lv 1. 20, Wind Edge, 18, 2, 620 G, Wind Attack +5, Broad Edge, Wind Crystal, Dual ...

  • Forging Recipes Guide for Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny. The list of recipes and ingredients for creating weapons and equipment at the forge in Tides of Destiny.

Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny Forging Recipes Guide - CrimsonTear

7. Forging (RF3) - Rune Factory Wiki - Fandom

  • Forging Recipes are split into two groups: Weapons and Farming Tools. To obtain recipes in-game, one must eat either Weapon Bread or Farming Bread. These can be ...

  • For Other Crafting recipes, see Crafting (RF3). To begin forging, the second floor of the Sharance Tree must be unlocked by clearing the Privera Forest dungeon and traveling to the Univir Settlement. Once the second floor grows in, Gaius or Raven will offer to build a forge for 5000G and 100 wood. Forging Recipes are split into two groups: Weapons and Farming Tools. To obtain recipes in-game, one must eat either Weapon Bread or Farming Bread. These can be bought from Blaise for 350G or 450G resp

Forging (RF3) - Rune Factory Wiki - Fandom

8. Rune Factory 4 Special: Complete Guide To Forging - TheGamer

  • 14 jun 2023 · Short Sword Recipes ; Gaia Sword. 27. Gold, Earth Crystal, Rigid Horn ; Snakesword. 30. Diamond, Claws and Fangs ; Veggieblade. 32. Carrot ; Luck ...

  • Whether you want to upgrade your weapons or farming tools, you'll need to use the Forge.

Rune Factory 4 Special: Complete Guide To Forging - TheGamer

9. Rune Factory 5 Weapon Recipes (2024) - -

  • 26 mrt 2022 · RF5 Weapon Recipes – Dual Blade · Short Dagger: Any Ore x2 – Level 5 · Steel Edge: Iron x2 + Bronze – Level 9 · Double Scratch: Back Scratcher x2 – ...

  • Rune Factory 5 Weapon Recipes - Sword, Long Sword, Spear, Axe, Hammer & Dual Blade - All the level requirements and ingredients

Rune Factory 5 Weapon Recipes (2024) - -

10. Rune Factory 5 Weapon Recipes Guide - SegmentNext

  • 13 mei 2023 · There are 19 different Dual Blade Recipes in Rune Factory 5. What is this? Report Ad.

  • Gaming News, Reviews and Guides

Rune Factory 5 Weapon Recipes Guide - SegmentNext

11. Advanced Recipe Books, how and from whom do you get them? - Fogu

  • 19 okt 2011 · I was told you can get the Dual Blades Level 3 Recipe book from Gerard by doing his request to defeat 5 tortoises. I've been getting Katana ...

  • Post Reply

12. Rune Factory 5 (Video Game) - TV Tropes

  • Competitive Balance: Most weapons fall into one category or another. Glass Cannon: Dual Blades and Fist weapons are powerful and hit very fast, but you won't ...

  • The 7th Rune Factory game, and the first new entry for the Nintendo Switch note Second overall, counting Rune Factory 4 Special. It was announced in the February 2019 Nintendo Direct and launched in Japan on May 20, 2021, with a scheduled …

Rune Factory 5 (Video Game) - TV Tropes
Rune Factory 5 Dual Blade Recipes (2025)


How to get weapon recipes in Rune Factory 5? ›

The protagonist can get the weapon recipes by eating the recipe bread sold by Randolph and Yuki at Sweet Hearth the bakery store. Weapon Breads cost 180G each. The protagonist can also make weapons without a recipe, but it will require a lot more RP than usual.

How to get dual blades in RF5? ›

Easiest way is to just use two iron. That'll make the first level dual blades. From there, you can level it up and be eligible for further recipes.

How many hearts do you need to get married in Rune Factory 5? ›

The first important step in getting married is to pick an eligible Rune Factory 5 character to date. To propose going steady, players must have at least seven relationship hearts with the character and have seen all their romantic events.

What is the best sword in rf5? ›

1 There Is No Weapon Stronger Than Heaven Asunder

Faint attacks are special attacks that defeat an enemy in one hit and with a 50% chance to inflict such an attack, Heaven Asunder will be killing enemies in one hit frequently, making it the most powerful weapon in all of Rune Factory 5.

How do you unlock dual blades? ›

To unlock the Great Sword, Dual Blades, and Lance, complete the first stage of “Chapter 2: Shimmering Swamp” in the main story.

How rare is dual headed blade? ›

Dual-Headed Blade is a Rare sword. This sword can be bought for 400,000 from the Master Sword Dealer, who is located on the fourth island of the Skylands in the First Sea. Talk to the Blacksmith in order to upgrade this weapon. In the moveset, this sword is called "Headed Blade" (due to the lack...

How do you get double hidden blades? ›

How do I equip the dual / double hidden blades? You lose dual hidden blades at the start of the game, but you can get them back later. During the mission An Unexpected Visitor, you meet Leonardo who lets you buy the dual hidden blade.

Can you have multiple wives in Rune Factory 5? ›

Although it is possible to date multiple characters at once, you can only be married to one person. Also, there is no way to divorce a character, even if you drop their Friendship Level. Make sure you're ready to commit.

Who is the best romance in Rune Factory 5? ›

Scarlett is one of the best romance options in Rune Factory 5 due to her regular involvement with the overall story. Because she is often working as Seed Captain Livia's right hand, she appears in most cutscenes and plays a key role in important parts of the story's climax.

What is the max relationship level in Rune Factory 5? ›

There are ten friendship levels in total, and as players gain friendship with various characters, they will unlock story scenes, dialogue, gifts, and more. Raising friendship levels is also necessary before players can get married in Rune Factory 5.

What is the most profitable monster in Rune Factory 5? ›

The Hornet is the monster that will probably make players of Rune Factory 5 the most money. Hornets, which can be found in the Kelve Volcanic Region, produce daily honey drops which players can then sell for a high price. You might be confused as to why a hornet makes so much honey, but just roll with it.

Did Rune Factory 5 sell well? ›

Total worldwide shipments and digital sales surpassed 500,000 copies as of March 2022.

Where to get cooking recipes Rune Factory 5? ›

You can start buying from Studio Palmo these once you have acquired the various Cooking Licenses from Eliza. Once you have the right stations, you can start cooking using recipes learned by consuming Recipe Bread.

How do you unlock Rune crafting? ›

Rune essence can be acquired by mining and from monster drops. Rune Mysteries quest. After completing this quest, a selection of wizards can teleport the player to the rune essence mine, where the player can mine the Rune Essence to obtain rune essence for the Runecraft skill.

Where do I get a cooking license in Rune Factory 5? ›

You have to talk to Elsje during her work shift (she has to be working in the restaurant) and get her to explain what the restaurant does. That is supposed to unlock the license. I think licenses for things like the forge, crafting table, and chemistry set are unlocked in similar ways with the relevant characterrs.

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